Tracey Morgan, Offer Up Praise
Tracey Morgan, of Offer Up Praise, presented a talk at CWA Conference at Shiloh NY 2016 and the Holy Spirit flowed through her throughout the room and everyone was blessed. She has a fire for God and a singleness of heart that is evident in all her talents: teaching, speaking, leading worship and designing garment of praise! She says on her website –
For many years I suffered with low self-esteem due to adverse childhood issues. I felt defiled and unclean. After seeking God for direction in ministry, I was lead to dance.
During prayer and devotion, I inquired of God what my ministry was. “Dance” was the answer. “Dance??!!”, was my reply to Him, “how can I dance when I am unfit, unworthy, and unclean?” “Yes dance” I heard. “I (God) am going to use the very thing that Satan has caused you to feel is
defiled and use it for My glory.”
Initially, I did not move forward in the ministry of dance, because I wanted to be certain of the calling. Counsel was sought from Bishop Gerald O. Glenn, Mother Marcietta S. Glenn and Mother Joann Conway (a prayer warrior and mother in Zion), who has since gone on the be with the Father. Mother Conway mentored and taught me about intercession and accompanied me to many ministry engagements, always lifting up prayer as I danced. In all things, I thank God and to Him be the Glory for everything allowed. (read more and order garments –

Nancy Skye and Dianne Steele wearing Tracie Morgan’s designs at DFH Conference 2016, Bronx NY.
Tracey leading dance worship at CWA Conference 2015 you can see some of her garments hanging around the room.